Вопрос # 366/ вопрос открыт / |
Здрасте, уважаемые эксперты!!! Подскажите, возможно-ли на Delhi, а если возможно, то как, сделать обработчик прерывания от LPT и COM портов. Заранее спасибо!!!
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Вопрос задал: CherepVM (статус: Посетитель)
Вопрос отправлен: 2 марта 2007, 11:49
Состояние вопроса: открыт, ответов: 2.
Ответ #1. Отвечает эксперт: Вадим К
Вы же не в досе, где всё можно. Под виндовсом единственно правильный способ сделать это - драйвер. Но это не стихия делфи. А зачем вам обработчик прерывания от порта? Экономить ресурсы собрались? Опрашивайте в потоке и всё.
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Ответ отправил: Вадим К (статус: Академик)
Время отправки: 2 марта 2007, 13:47
Ответ #2. Отвечает эксперт: Роман
Здравствуйте, Цопа Владимир Милузиевич!Как извесно в NT лавочка с прямым доступом к портам была прикрыта,и для работы с COM есть функции winapi,но как мне помнится обслуживание прерываний там не предусмотрено,НО есть реализация в компоненте TBComPort.Там мониторинг состояния линий порта выведен в отдельный поток с генерацией событий;для LPT есть такая штука LptWdmIo - драйвер LPTWDMIO.sys предоставляет пользовательским приложениям возможность управлять параллельными портами ПК.Он поддерживает два вида операций -- чтение из порта и записи в порт.Прерываний там нет,но при необходилости их можно реализовать опять-же отдельным потоком.
Приложение: Переключить в обычный режим-
- unit BCPort;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes;
- {$B-,H+,X+}
- {$IFDEF VER140}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$IFDEF VER150}
- {$ENDIF}
- type
- TBaudRate = (br110, br300, br600, br1200, br2400, br4800, br9600, br14400,
- br19200, br38400, br56000, br57600, br115200, br128000, br256000);
- TByteSize = (bs5, bs6, bs7, bs8);
- TComErrors = set of (ceFrame, ceRxParity, ceOverrun, ceBreak, ceIO, ceMode,
- ceRxOver, ceTxFull);
- TComEvents = set of (evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRing, evCTS, evDSR, evRLSD,
- evError, evRx80Full);
- TComSignals = set of (csCTS, csDSR, csRing, csRLSD);
- TParity = (paNone, paOdd, paEven, paMark, paSpace);
- TStopBits = (sb1, sb1_5, sb2);
- TSyncMethod = (smThreadSync, smWindowSync, smNone);
- TComSignalEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; State: Boolean) of object;
- TComErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Errors: TComErrors) of object;
- TRxCharEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer) of object;
- TOperationKind = (okWrite, okRead);
- TAsync = record
- Overlapped: TOverlapped;
- Kind: TOperationKind;
- Data: Pointer;
- Size: Integer;
- end;
- PAsync = ^TAsync;
- TBComPort = class;
- TComThread = class(TThread)
- private
- FComPort: TBComPort;
- FEvents: TComEvents;
- FStopEvent: THandle;
- protected
- procedure DoEvents;
- procedure Execute; override;
- procedure SendEvents;
- procedure Stop;
- public
- constructor Create(AComPort: TBComPort);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TComTimeouts = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FComPort: TBComPort;
- FReadInterval: Integer;
- FReadTotalM: Integer;
- FReadTotalC: Integer;
- FWriteTotalM: Integer;
- FWriteTotalC: Integer;
- procedure SetComPort(const AComPort: TBComPort);
- procedure SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer);
- protected
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- property ComPort: TBComPort read FComPort;
- published
- property ReadInterval: Integer read FReadInterval write SetReadInterval;
- property ReadTotalMultiplier: Integer read FReadTotalM write SetReadTotalM;
- property ReadTotalConstant: Integer read FReadTotalC write SetReadTotalC;
- property WriteTotalMultiplier: Integer
- read FWriteTotalM write SetWriteTotalM;
- property WriteTotalConstant: Integer
- read FWriteTotalC write SetWriteTotalC;
- end;
- TBComPort = class(TComponent)
- private
- FBaudRate: TBaudRate;
- FByteSize: TByteSize;
- FConnected: Boolean;
- FCTPriority: TThreadPriority;
- FEvents: TComEvents;
- FEventThread: TComThread;
- FHandle: THandle;
- FInBufSize: Integer;
- FOutBufSize: Integer;
- FParity: TParity;
- FPort: String;
- FStopBits: TStopBits;
- FSyncMethod: TSyncMethod;
- FTimeouts: TComTimeouts;
- FUpdate: Boolean;
- FWindow: THandle;
- FOnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent;
- FOnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent;
- FOnError: TComErrorEvent;
- FOnRing: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent;
- FOnRx80Full: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnRxChar: TRxCharEvent;
- FOnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent;
- procedure CallCTSChange;
- procedure CallDSRChange;
- procedure CallError;
- procedure CallRing;
- procedure CallRLSDChange;
- procedure CallRx80Full;
- procedure CallRxChar;
- procedure CallTxEmpty;
- procedure SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate);
- procedure SetByteSize(const Value: TByteSize);
- procedure SetCTPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- procedure SetInBufSize(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetOutBufSize(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetParity(const Value: TParity);
- procedure SetPort(const Value: String);
- procedure SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits);
- procedure SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod);
- procedure SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts);
- procedure WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage);
- protected
- procedure ApplyBuffer;
- procedure ApplyDCB;
- procedure ApplyTimeouts;
- procedure CreateHandle;
- procedure DestroyHandle;
- procedure SetupComPort;
- public
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure AbortAllAsync;
- procedure BeginUpdate;
- procedure ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean);
- procedure Close;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- function InBufCount: Integer;
- function IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean;
- procedure Open;
- function OutBufCount: Integer;
- function Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
- function ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- function ReadStr(var Str: string; Count: Integer): Integer;
- function ReadStrAsync(var Str: string; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- procedure SetDTR(State: Boolean);
- procedure SetRTS(State: Boolean);
- function Signals: TComSignals;
- function WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- function Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
- function WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- function WriteStr(const Str: string): Integer;
- function WriteStrAsync(const Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- property Connected: Boolean read FConnected;
- property CTPriority: TThreadPriority read FCTPriority write SetCTPriority;
- published
- property BaudRate: TBaudRate read FBaudRate write SetBaudRate;
- property ByteSize: TByteSize read FByteSize write SetByteSize;
- property InBufSize: Integer read FInBufSize write SetInBufSize;
- property OutBufSize: Integer read FOutBufSize write SetOutBufSize;
- property Parity: TParity read FParity write SetParity;
- property Port: String read FPort write SetPort;
- property SyncMethod: TSyncMethod read FSyncMethod write SetSyncMethod;
- property StopBits: TStopBits read FStopBits write SetStopBits;
- property Timeouts: TComTimeouts read FTimeouts write SetTimeouts;
- property OnCTSChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnCTSChange write FOnCTSChange;
- property OnDSRChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnDSRChange write FOnDSRChange;
- property OnError: TComErrorEvent read FOnError write FOnError;
- property OnRing: TNotifyEvent read FOnRing write FOnRing;
- property OnRLSDChange: TComSignalEvent read FOnRLSDChange write FOnRLSDChange;
- property OnRx80Full: TNotifyEvent read FOnRx80Full write FOnRx80Full;
- property OnRxChar: TRxCharEvent read FOnRxChar write FOnRxChar;
- property OnTxEmpty: TNotifyEvent read FOnTxEmpty write FOnTxEmpty;
- end;
- EComPort = class(Exception);
- procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
- procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
- procedure EnumComPorts(Ports: TStrings);
- procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses
- Forms;
- const
- CEMess: array[1..15] of string =
- function EventsToInt(const Events: TComEvents): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if evRxChar in Events then Result := Result or EV_RXCHAR;
- if evTxEmpty in Events then Result := Result or EV_TXEMPTY;
- if evRing in Events then Result := Result or EV_RING;
- if evCTS in Events then Result := Result or EV_CTS;
- if evDSR in Events then Result := Result or EV_DSR;
- if evRLSD in Events then Result := Result or EV_RLSD;
- if evError in Events then Result := Result or EV_ERR;
- if evRx80Full in Events then Result := Result or EV_RX80FULL;
- end;
- function IntToEvents(Mask: Integer): TComEvents;
- begin
- Result := [];
- if (EV_RXCHAR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRxChar];
- if (EV_TXEMPTY and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evTxEmpty];
- if (EV_RING and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRing];
- if (EV_CTS and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evCTS];
- if (EV_DSR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evDSR];
- if (EV_RLSD and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRLSD];
- if (EV_ERR and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evError];
- if (EV_RX80FULL and Mask) <> 0 then Result := Result + [evRx80Full];
- end;
- { TComThread }
- constructor TComThread.Create(AComPort: TBComPort);
- begin
- inherited Create(True);
- FStopEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
- FComPort := AComPort;
- Priority := FComPort.CTPriority;
- SetCommMask(FComPort.FHandle, EventsToInt(FComPort.FEvents));
- Resume;
- end;
- destructor TComThread.Destroy;
- begin
- Stop;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TComThread.Execute;
- var
- EventHandles: array[0..1] of THandle;
- Overlapped: TOverlapped;
- Signaled, BytesTrans, Mask: DWORD;
- begin
- FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(Overlapped), 0);
- Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil);
- EventHandles[0] := FStopEvent;
- EventHandles[1] := Overlapped.hEvent;
- repeat
- WaitCommEvent(FComPort.FHandle, Mask, @Overlapped);
- Signaled := WaitForMultipleObjects(2, @EventHandles, False, INFINITE);
- if (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) and
- GetOverlappedResult(FComPort.FHandle, Overlapped, BytesTrans, False) then
- begin
- FEvents := IntToEvents(Mask);
- case FComPort.SyncMethod of
- smThreadSync: Synchronize(DoEvents);
- smWindowSync: SendEvents;
- smNone : DoEvents;
- end;
- end;
- until Signaled <> (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1);
- SetCommMask(FComPort.FHandle, 0);
- PurgeComm(FComPort.FHandle, PURGE_TXCLEAR or PURGE_RXCLEAR);
- CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
- CloseHandle(FStopEvent);
- end;
- procedure TComThread.Stop;
- begin
- SetEvent(FStopEvent);
- Sleep(0);
- end;
- procedure TComThread.SendEvents;
- begin
- if evError in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_ERR, 0);
- if evRxChar in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RXCHAR, 0);
- if evTxEmpty in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_TXEMPTY, 0);
- if evRing in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RING, 0);
- if evCTS in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_CTS, 0);
- if evDSR in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_DSR, 0);
- if evRing in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RLSD, 0);
- if evRx80Full in FEvents then
- SendMessage(FComPort.FWindow, CM_COMPORT, EV_RX80FULL, 0);
- end;
- procedure TComThread.DoEvents;
- begin
- if evError in FEvents then FComPort.CallError;
- if evRxChar in FEvents then FComPort.CallRxChar;
- if evTxEmpty in FEvents then FComPort.CallTxEmpty;
- if evRing in FEvents then FComPort.CallRing;
- if evCTS in FEvents then FComPort.CallCTSChange;
- if evDSR in FEvents then FComPort.CallDSRChange;
- if evRLSD in FEvents then FComPort.CallRLSDChange;
- if evRx80Full in FEvents then FComPort.CallRx80Full;
- end;
- { TComTimeouts }
- constructor TComTimeouts.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FReadInterval := -1;
- FWriteTotalM := 100;
- FWriteTotalC := 1000;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Dest is TComTimeouts then
- begin
- with TComTimeouts(Dest) do
- begin
- FReadInterval := Self.ReadInterval;
- FReadTotalM := Self.ReadTotalMultiplier;
- FReadTotalC := Self.ReadTotalConstant;
- FWriteTotalM := Self.WriteTotalMultiplier;
- FWriteTotalC := Self.WriteTotalConstant;
- end;
- end
- else
- inherited AssignTo(Dest);
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetComPort(const AComPort: TBComPort);
- begin
- FComPort := AComPort;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadInterval(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FReadInterval then
- begin
- FReadInterval := Value;
- FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalC(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FReadTotalC then
- begin
- FReadTotalC := Value;
- FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetReadTotalM(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FReadTotalM then
- begin
- FReadTotalM := Value;
- FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalC(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FWriteTotalC then
- begin
- FWriteTotalC := Value;
- FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TComTimeouts.SetWriteTotalM(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FWriteTotalM then
- begin
- FWriteTotalM := Value;
- FComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- end;
- { TBComPort }
- constructor TBComPort.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- FComponentStyle := FComponentStyle - [csInheritable];
- FBaudRate := br9600;
- FByteSize := bs8;
- FConnected := False;
- FCTPriority := tpNormal;
- FEvents := [evRxChar, evTxEmpty, evRing, evCTS, evDSR, evRLSD, evError,
- evRx80Full];
- FInBufSize := 2048;
- FOutBufSize := 2048;
- FParity := paNone;
- FPort := 'COM2';
- FStopBits := sb1;
- FSyncMethod := smThreadSync;
- FTimeouts := TComTimeouts.Create;
- FTimeouts.SetComPort(Self);
- FUpdate := True;
- end;
- destructor TBComPort.Destroy;
- begin
- Close;
- FTimeouts.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CreateHandle;
- begin
- FHandle := CreateFile(PChar('\.' + FPort), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
- if FHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- begin
- if GetLastError = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[1])
- else if GetLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[2]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.DestroyHandle;
- begin
- if FHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(FHandle);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.WindowMethod(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- with Message do
- if Msg = CM_COMPORT then
- try
- if InSendMessage then ReplyMessage(0);
- if FConnected then
- case wParam of
- EV_CTS: CallCTSChange;
- EV_DSR: CallDSRChange;
- EV_RING: CallRing;
- EV_RLSD: CallRLSDChange;
- EV_RX80FULL: CallRx80Full;
- EV_RXCHAR: CallRxChar;
- EV_ERR: CallError;
- EV_TXEMPTY: CallTxEmpty;
- end;
- except
- Application.HandleException(Self);
- end
- else
- Result := DefWindowProc(FWindow, Msg, wParam, lParam);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.BeginUpdate;
- begin
- FUpdate := False;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.EndUpdate;
- begin
- if not FUpdate then FUpdate := True;
- SetupComPort;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.Open;
- begin
- if not FConnected then
- begin
- CreateHandle;
- FConnected := True;
- try
- SetupComPort;
- except
- DestroyHandle;
- FConnected := False;
- raise;
- end;
- if (FSyncMethod = smWindowSync) then
- {$ENDIF}
- FWindow := AllocateHWnd(WindowMethod);
- {$ENDIF}
- FEventThread := TComThread.Create(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.Close;
- begin
- if FConnected then
- begin
- SetDTR(False);
- SetRTS(False);
- AbortAllAsync;
- FEventThread.Free;
- if FSyncMethod = smWindowSync then
- {$ENDIF}
- DeallocateHWnd(FWindow);
- {$ENDIF}
- DestroyHandle;
- FConnected := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.ApplyDCB;
- const
- CBaudRate: array[TBaudRate] of Integer = (CBR_110, CBR_300, CBR_600,
- CBR_1200, CBR_2400, CBR_4800, CBR_9600, CBR_14400, CBR_19200, CBR_38400,
- CBR_56000, CBR_57600, CBR_115200, CBR_128000, CBR_256000);
- var
- begin
- if FConnected and FUpdate then
- begin
- FillChar(DCB, SizeOf(TDCB), 0);
- DCB.DCBlength := SizeOf(TDCB);
- DCB.BaudRate := CBaudRate[FBaudRate];
- DCB.ByteSize := Ord(TByteSize(FByteSize)) + 5;
- DCB.Flags := 1 or ($30 and (DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE shl 4))
- or ($3000 and (RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE shl 12));
- if FParity <> paNone then
- DCB.Flags := DCB.Flags or 2;
- DCB.Parity := Ord(TParity(FParity));
- DCB.StopBits := Ord(TStopBits(FStopBits));
- DCB.XonChar := #17;
- DCB.XoffChar := #19;
- if not SetCommState(FHandle, DCB) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[8]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.ApplyTimeouts;
- var
- Timeouts: TCommTimeouts;
- function MValue(const Value: Integer): DWORD;
- begin
- if Value < 0 then Result := MAXDWORD else Result := Value;
- end;
- begin
- if FConnected and FUpdate then
- begin
- Timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout := MValue(FTimeouts.ReadInterval);
- Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier := MValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalMultiplier);
- Timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant := MValue(FTimeouts.ReadTotalConstant);
- Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier := MValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalMultiplier);
- Timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant := MValue(FTimeouts.WriteTotalConstant);
- if not SetCommTimeouts(FHandle, Timeouts) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[9]);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.ApplyBuffer;
- begin
- if FConnected and FUpdate then
- if not SetupComm(FHandle, FInBufSize, FOutBufSize) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[10]);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetupComPort;
- begin
- ApplyBuffer;
- ApplyDCB;
- ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- function TBComPort.InBufCount: Integer;
- var
- Errors: DWORD;
- ComStat: TComStat;
- begin
- if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[11]);
- Result := ComStat.cbInQue;
- end;
- function TBComPort.OutBufCount: Integer;
- var
- Errors: DWORD;
- ComStat: TComStat;
- begin
- if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[11]);
- Result := ComStat.cbOutQue;
- end;
- function TBComPort.Signals: TComSignals;
- var
- Status: DWORD;
- begin
- if not GetCommModemStatus(FHandle, Status) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[12]);
- Result := [];
- if (MS_CTS_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csCTS];
- if (MS_DSR_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csDSR];
- if (MS_RING_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csRing];
- if (MS_RLSD_ON and Status) <> 0 then Result := Result + [csRLSD];
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetDTR(State: Boolean);
- var
- Act: DWORD;
- begin
- if State then Act := Windows.SETDTR else Act := Windows.CLRDTR;
- if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[13]);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetRTS(State: Boolean);
- var
- Act: DWORD;
- begin
- if State then Act := Windows.SETRTS else Act := Windows.CLRRTS;
- if not EscapeCommFunction(FHandle, Act) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[13]);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.ClearBuffer(Input, Output: Boolean);
- var
- Flag: DWORD;
- begin
- Flag := 0;
- if Input then
- if Output then
- Flag := Flag or PURGE_TXCLEAR;
- if not PurgeComm(FHandle, Flag) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[6]);
- end;
- procedure PrepareAsync(AKind: TOperationKind; const Buffer;
- Count: Integer; AsyncPtr: PAsync);
- begin
- with AsyncPtr^ do
- begin
- Kind := AKind;
- if Data <> nil then FreeMem(Data);
- GetMem(Data, Count);
- Move(Buffer, Data^, Count);
- Size := Count;
- end;
- end;
- function TBComPort.WriteAsync(const Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- var
- Success: Boolean;
- BytesTrans: DWORD;
- begin
- if AsyncPtr = nil then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[5]);
- PrepareAsync(okWrite, Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
- Success := WriteFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped)
- or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING);
- if not Success then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[3]);
- Result := BytesTrans;
- end;
- function TBComPort.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
- var
- AsyncPtr: PAsync;
- begin
- InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
- try
- WriteAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
- Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
- finally
- DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
- end;
- end;
- function TBComPort.WriteStrAsync(const Str: string; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- begin
- if Length(Str) > 0 then
- Result := WriteAsync(Str[1], Length(Str), AsyncPtr)
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TBComPort.WriteStr(const Str: string): Integer;
- var
- AsyncPtr: PAsync;
- begin
- InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
- try
- WriteStrAsync(Str, AsyncPtr);
- Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
- finally
- DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
- end;
- end;
- function TBComPort.ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- var
- Success: Boolean;
- BytesTrans: DWORD;
- begin
- if AsyncPtr = nil then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[5]);
- AsyncPtr^.Kind := okRead;
- Success := ReadFile(FHandle, Buffer, Count, BytesTrans, @AsyncPtr^.Overlapped)
- or (GetLastError = ERROR_IO_PENDING);
- if not Success then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[4]);
- Result := BytesTrans;
- end;
- function TBComPort.Read(var Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer;
- var
- AsyncPtr: PAsync;
- begin
- InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
- try
- ReadAsync(Buffer, Count, AsyncPtr);
- Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
- finally
- DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
- end;
- end;
- function TBComPort.ReadStrAsync(var Str: string; Count: Integer; var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(Str, Count);
- if Count > 0 then
- Result := ReadAsync(Str[1], Count, AsyncPtr)
- else
- Result := 0;
- end;
- function TBComPort.ReadStr(var Str: string; Count: Integer): Integer;
- var
- AsyncPtr: PAsync;
- begin
- InitAsync(AsyncPtr);
- try
- ReadStrAsync(Str, Count, AsyncPtr);
- Result := WaitForAsync(AsyncPtr);
- SetLength(Str, Result);
- finally
- DoneAsync(AsyncPtr);
- end;
- end;
- function ErrorCode(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- begin
- if AsyncPtr^.Kind = okRead then Result := 4 else Result := 3;
- end;
- function TBComPort.WaitForAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync): Integer;
- var
- BytesTrans, Signaled: DWORD;
- Success: Boolean;
- begin
- if AsyncPtr = nil then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[5]);
- Signaled := WaitForSingleObject(AsyncPtr^.Overlapped.hEvent, INFINITE);
- Success := (Signaled = WAIT_OBJECT_0) and
- (GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False));
- if not Success then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[ErrorCode(AsyncPtr)]);
- Result := BytesTrans;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.AbortAllAsync;
- begin
- if not PurgeComm(FHandle, PURGE_TXABORT or PURGE_RXABORT) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[6]);
- end;
- function TBComPort.IsAsyncCompleted(AsyncPtr: PAsync): Boolean;
- var
- BytesTrans: DWORD;
- begin
- if AsyncPtr = nil then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[5]);
- Result := GetOverlappedResult(FHandle, AsyncPtr^.Overlapped, BytesTrans, False);
- if not Result then
- if (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_PENDING) and (GetLastError <> ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[7]);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallCTSChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnCTSChange) then FOnCTSChange(Self, csCTS in Signals);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallDSRChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnDSRChange) then FOnDSRChange(Self, csDSR in Signals);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallRLSDChange;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnRLSDChange) then FOnRLSDChange(Self, csRLSD in Signals);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallError;
- var
- Errs: TComErrors;
- Errors: DWORD;
- ComStat: TComStat;
- begin
- if not ClearCommError(FHandle, Errors, @ComStat) then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[11]);
- Errs := [];
- if (CE_FRAME and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceFrame];
- if ((CE_RXPARITY and Errors) <> 0) and (FParity <> paNone) then
- Errs := Errs + [ceRxParity];
- if (CE_OVERRUN and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceOverrun];
- if (CE_RXOVER and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceRxOver];
- if (CE_TXFULL and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceTxFull];
- if (CE_BREAK and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceBreak];
- if (CE_IOE and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceIO];
- if (CE_MODE and Errors) <> 0 then Errs := Errs + [ceMode];
- if (Errs <> []) and Assigned(FOnError) then FOnError(Self, Errs);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallRing;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnRing) then FOnRing(Self);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallRx80Full;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnRx80Full) then FOnRx80Full(Self);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallRxChar;
- var
- Count: Integer;
- begin
- Count := InBufCount;
- if (Count > 0) and Assigned(FOnRxChar) then FOnRxChar(Self, Count);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.CallTxEmpty;
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnTxEmpty) then FOnTxEmpty(Self);
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetBaudRate(const Value: TBaudRate);
- begin
- if Value <> FBaudRate then
- begin
- FBaudRate := Value;
- ApplyDCB;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetByteSize(const Value: TByteSize);
- begin
- if Value <> FByteSize then
- begin
- FByteSize := Value;
- ApplyDCB;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetParity(const Value: TParity);
- begin
- if Value <> FParity then
- begin
- FParity := Value;
- ApplyDCB;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetPort(const Value: String);
- begin
- if FConnected then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[14])
- else
- if Value <> FPort then FPort := Value;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetStopBits(const Value: TStopBits);
- begin
- if Value <> FStopBits then
- begin
- FStopBits := Value;
- ApplyDCB;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetSyncMethod(const Value: TSyncMethod);
- begin
- if Value <> FSyncMethod then
- begin
- if FConnected then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[14])
- else
- FSyncMethod := Value;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetCTPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- begin
- if Value <> FCTPriority then
- begin
- if FConnected then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[14])
- else
- FCTPriority := Value;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetInBufSize(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FInBufSize then
- begin
- FInBufSize := Value;
- if (FInBufSize mod 2) = 1 then Dec(FInBufSize);
- ApplyBuffer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetOutBufSize(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- if Value <> FOutBufSize then
- begin
- FOutBufSize := Value;
- if (FOutBufSize mod 2) = 1 then Dec(FOutBufSize);
- ApplyBuffer;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBComPort.SetTimeouts(const Value: TComTimeouts);
- begin
- FTimeouts.Assign(Value);
- ApplyTimeouts;
- end;
- procedure InitAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
- begin
- New(AsyncPtr);
- with AsyncPtr^ do
- begin
- FillChar(Overlapped, SizeOf(TOverlapped), 0);
- Overlapped.hEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, True, nil);
- Data := nil;
- Size := 0;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DoneAsync(var AsyncPtr: PAsync);
- begin
- with AsyncPtr^ do
- begin
- CloseHandle(Overlapped.hEvent);
- if Data <> nil then FreeMem(Data);
- end;
- Dispose(AsyncPtr);
- AsyncPtr := nil;
- end;
- procedure EnumComPorts(Ports: TStrings);
- var
- KeyHandle: HKEY;
- ErrCode, Index: Integer;
- ValueName, Data: String;
- ValueLen, DataLen, ValueType: DWORD;
- TmpPorts: TStringList;
- begin
- 0, KEY_READ, KeyHandle);
- if ErrCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[15]);
- TmpPorts := TStringList.Create;
- try
- Index := 0;
- repeat
- ValueLen := 256;
- DataLen := 256;
- SetLength(ValueName, ValueLen);
- SetLength(Data, DataLen);
- ErrCode := RegEnumValue(KeyHandle, Index, PChar(ValueName),
- {$IFDEF VER120}
- Cardinal(ValueLen),
- {$ELSE}
- ValueLen,
- {$ENDIF}
- nil, @ValueType, PByte(PChar(Data)), @DataLen);
- if ErrCode = ERROR_SUCCESS then
- begin
- SetLength(Data, DataLen - 1);
- TmpPorts.Add(Data);
- Inc(Index);
- end
- else
- if ErrCode <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then
- raise EComPort.Create(CEMess[15]);
- until (ErrCode <> ERROR_SUCCESS) ;
- TmpPorts.Sort;
- Ports.Assign(TmpPorts);
- finally
- RegCloseKey(KeyHandle);
- TmpPorts.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Samples', [TBComPort]);
- end;
- end.
 |
Ответ отправил: Роман (статус: 5-ый класс)
Время отправки: 2 марта 2007, 14:02
Оценка за ответ: 5
Комментарий к оценке: Огромное спасибо за подсказку! В глубине души я подозревал, что проблему нужно решать через потоки. Но так-как "варюсь в собственном соку" (нескем общаться) решил поспрошать у Вас - Экспертов.
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